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front pageToday's NewsBitTorrent distributes 990 million BTT to different TRX holders

BitTorrent distributes 990 million BTT to different TRX holders


BitTorrent, one of the world’s most used file-sharing platforms, recently announced a plan to reward platform users by issuing 99.9 billion BTT tokens. This new reward program will be launched on December 11 and will reward various Tron (TRX) holders with tokens.

According to a previous report, the BitTorrent Foundation has begun the first round of airdrops to Tron holders. This December will be the last round of airdrops for Tron holders around the world. It is reported that a snapshot will be taken when the Tron blockchain reaches a block height of 6.6 million.

The BitTorrent Foundation used this snapshot to launch the first airdrop in February of this year, totaling 10.89 million BTT tokens, accounting for 1.1% of the total supply of BitTorrent tokens. A year later in December, another airdrop was carried out, totaling 11.88 million BTT tokens, reducing the total supply by another 1.2%.

Next year, the foundation promises to release more BTT tokens to Tron holders, this time totaling 12.87 million BTT tokens, which is about 1.3%. The plan is to repeat such airdrops over the next six years, increasing the gift by 0.1% each year until a total of 1.7% is given away in 2025.

In order to further promote the BTT token, BitTorrent has promised to airdrop 99.99 million BTT tokens to various Tron users through various online and offline activities. A simple calculation shows that the BitTorrent Foundation will once again give away 10% of the total supply of BTT tokens.

A Brief History of BitTorrent
BitTorrent itself was acquired by Justin Sun in June 2018. BitTorrent is one of the world's first decentralized networks, allowing users to share files around the world. The site is well known for facilitating the downloading of pirated software through peer-to-peer (P2P) technology. While the exact terms of the acquisition are unknown, speculation about the final price for BitTorrent ranges from $126 million to $140 million.

BitTorrent was founded in 2004, but the platform has only started to grow rapidly in recent years. Now, it has about 100 million active users and is one of the highest-rated apps in the Google Play Store. BitTorrent also offers products like the uTorrent Web desktop client (for PC and Mac) and BitTorrent Play for iOS.

Tron vs. Tate
Recently, Justin Sun acquired Poloniex and stopped trading for its US customers. In response, DigiByte’s founder Jared Tate fully accused the Tron Foundation. In a long 8-post article on Twitter, Tate accused Tron of being a completely centralized network. In response, Poloniex suddenly put DigiByte under “close scrutiny” and immediately removed it from the exchange.

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