Binance Labs’ Launchpad, a platform that connects global blockchain market participants, has announced the launch of its next project called Elrond.
Binance Launchpad, a token issuance platform created by Binance, announced that they will launch a project that allows developers to build and develop their DApps. The project, called Elrond, will provide developers with a public blockchain network based on sharding technology. The announcement of this project is the sixth project launched by Binance Launchpad this year.
Elrond’s token sale began on June 22, with tokens being sold via a lottery. The token sale comes on the back of multiple investments in the project from Binance Labs, Electric Capital, NGC, Authorito Capital, and Maven11. These investments demonstrate a great deal of confidence in Elrond and its potential to produce DApps for the blockchain industry. Prior to these investments, Elrond was self-funded.
Investors involved in cryptocurrency trading will certainly be paying attention to Binance and its dynamic of adding Elrond to its Launchpad. By adding Elrond to its portfolio, Binance is providing an additional impetus to those seeking to buy Binance tokens. This move also comes at a time when the entire cryptocurrency market is strengthening and more investors are considering their options on cryptocurrency exchanges. The boost that Elrond could provide makes Binance a good choice for an investment portfolio.
The public blockchain network developed by Elrond focuses on enabling decentralized networks and applications to compete with centralized networks in terms of speed and security. The Elrond testnet system also has low system requirements, which enables it to run on any computer owned by the user. It also provides enhanced security by employing randomly selected block proposers. Low computing requirements also mean that the system does not require a lot of energy to run. All of these factors together make Elrond one of the preferred systems for blockchain developers.
Elrond CEO Benjamin Mincu said that Elrond will change the way current DApps exist through parallelization of transaction processing and 1,000 times improvement in DApps throughput and execution speed. These improvements are the advantages brought by Elrond and also emphasize the importance of this project to the blockchain industry.